By now you have probably heard about the accidental death of little Maria Chapman, 5 year old daughter of Steven Curtis Chapman. If not, you can read the AP release about it at Daughter of Christian music star killed. I have been a big fan of Stevens for years. I think we have almost every album he has ever made.
There is a song on his most recent album, This Moment, that has always been difficult for me to listen to, but now it will be even tougher. The song is Cinderella. My emotions are always touched by this song and I think this will be a tough song for Steven to sing in the future. I can only imagine what it must be like to both lose a child and have another child involved in the accident that killed her.
Cinderella has always touched my heart because of the daughter that my wife Maria and I lost at birth, Jamie Lynne. The lines that have touched me and I think will touch Steven in the future are:
"Oh I will dance with Cinderella
I don't wanna miss even one song,
Cuz all to soon the clock will strike midnight
And she'll be gone"
Take care and hug your Cinderella or Prince Charming today! I know I will!!!
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