Tuesday, May 20, 2008

First Entry!

Hi! This is my first entry to my blog! Welcome to Stand Tall and Lead. More wonderful posts to come!

What can you expect to read here, just that It's My Life! And as I learn, so will you! And I want to learn from you too, so please check in and post.

As you can see, I'm currently reading "Harmonic Wealth" by James Arthur Ray. Have you read it? If so, what do you think. Also, I've begun working my plan to build a Massive Passive Income by December 25, 2008! I'm going to need your help, so what are some ideas you have used to earn some Passive Income? I just finished attending a great seminar by T. Harv Eker! So few ideas and so much time, wait, strike that and reverse it!!!

Next time,

1 comment:

Mindy said...

WOW!!!! Super site, Don!! You certainly know how to raise the bar!! I have some work to do!!